Doublet, c. 1620s

This doublet – a padded jacket – is an extremely rare survivor from the 17th century. The only other equivalent example in a UK collection is too fragile to be photographed, let alone displayed. It is made of slashed cream silk and has a stand up collar with long sleeves.

The satin used to make the doublet was imported and expensive, so the original owner would have been a wealthy individual. From the inside measurements, we know that the owner had a 38-inch chest. Because of the increased wear on the right arm, he was probably right-handed.

The family who donated the doublet believed the doublet was a gift from the occupants at Urrard House, Killiecrankie. If the doublet did belong to the family at Urrard House and dates from the 1620s, then it was owned by a member of the Stewarts of Urrard. By looking through the family documents we know that there were a number of weddings in the Stewart family during the 1620s and this doublet could have been commissioned for one of them. If it was made for a wedding and kept only for special occasions, this would explain the excellent condition it is in.